年齡相關性黃斑變性(AMD)是造成老年人視力損害和不可逆失明的主要原因之一[1],根據世界衛生組織報告,全球約有3000萬AMD患者,每年約有50萬人因為AMD而致盲[2]。AMD致盲患者中,以脈絡膜新生血管(Choroidal neovascularization,CNV)為特徵的濕性年齡相關性黃斑變性(wAMD)比例高達90%。隨着老年人口比例的不斷上升,wAMD已經成為一個日益嚴重的社會醫學問題,存在着巨大的未滿足的臨床需求[3]。隨着眼底治療方法的突破與發展,抗VEGF藥物已成為wAMD的一線療法[4],貝伐珠單抗玻璃體注射治療wAMD的有效性和安全性也已在多項臨床研究中得到驗證[5-11]。
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[4] Li X R , Liu J P . Recognition of anti-VEGF therapy base on the mechanism of VEGF in wet age-related macular degeneration[J]. Zhonghua Shiyan Yanke Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Experimental Ophthalmology, 2012, 30(4):289-292.
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[8] Kodjikian L, Souied EH, Mimoun G, Mauget-Faÿsse M, Behar -Cohen F, Decullier E, Huot L, Aulagner G; GEFAL Study Group. Ranibizumab versus Bevacizumab for Neovascular Agerelated Macular Degeneration: Results from the GEFAL Noninferiority Randomized Trial. Ophthalmology. 2013 Nov;120(11):2300-9.
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[11] Schauwvlieghe AM, Dijkman G, Hooymans JM, Verbraak FD, Hoyng CB, Dijkgraaf MG,Peto T, Vingerling JR, Schlingemann RO. Comparing the Effectiveness of Bevacizumab to Ranibizumab in Patients with Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. The BRAMD Study. PLoS One. 2016 May 20;11(5):e0153052.